Friday, August 23, 2013

Troubleshooting Citrix ICA Printer Autocreation

This document describes steps for troubleshooting printer autocreation issues with locally defined, physically attached, or network printers.
While some of the ideas in this document apply to imported network printers, troubleshooting that issue can be significantly different than the autocreation of locally defined workstation printers. Refer to CTX881017 - Troubleshooting Imported Network Print Servers with XenApp.
For Universal Print Driver (UPD) troubleshooting information, refer to the following documents:
• CTX089874 – Troubleshooting and Explaining the Citrix Universal Print Driver
• CTX105158 – Troubleshooting Citrix ICA Printing - Quick Reference Guide
• CTX107137 – Troubleshooting Printing Problems In Presentation Server 4.0.
To troubleshoot printer autocreation, follow these steps:
1. In Citrix Connection Configuration, double-click the ICA listener port, select the Client Settings button, and ensure Connect client printers at logon is selected. For Presentation Server 4.5 and later, configure these settings using the Terminal Services Configuration tool.
2. Ensure that the following check boxes are not selected under the Client Settings area:
    • Disable Windows Client Printer Mapping
    • Disable Client LPT Mapping
Both of these settings prevent client printers from being autocreated on the system, and prohibit the client printer from being manually added during the session.
CTX104693 – "Client Printer mapping" and "Client LPT Port mapping" are Grayed Out in ica-tcp Listener
3. If Inherent User Config is selected in step 1, ensure that connect client printers at logon is selected in the UserConfig button for each user account within User Manager for Domains or the Environment tab within Active Directory Users and Computers/Computer Management-Local Users and Groups (for Active Directory 2000, 2003).
In Active Directory 2008, open the Server Manager utility and expand the Configuration node. From there you can manage your users and groups.
4. From the client machine:
a. Make a custom ICA connection directly to the server desktop and log on.
b. Open the printer folder inside the ICA session.
c. Add Printer > Network printer and expand Client network.
d. Select Client printer and try to Add.
e. The result may indicate:
5. Current Microsoft RDP clients allow for the creation of printers. While the RDP does not use the Citrix Client Network Service, as a test, log on with the RDP client. This might help in determining if there is an underlying operating system or permission issue.
6. Ensure the latest compatible driver for its operating system is installed on the client computer. On the Citrix server, install the latest compatible driver for the base operating system (Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008). This is accomplished by installing a "phantom" printer on the server console. After the printer has been created it can be deleted from the print manager. The driver itself and registry references to the driver remain. You must verify what drivers have been installed on the server in step 7 below. In Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008, right-click in the white space in the Printers folder, go to Server Properties, and select the Drivers tab.
A printer driver that is compatible with Windows 2000/2003/2008 is not necessarily compatible with the corresponding version of Terminal Server. Installing incompatible drivers might cause crashes (for example, see Microsoft TechNet articles Q191666 and Q249917 with respect to Lexmark drivers), spooler CPU spikes, hangs, print jobs failing to print, and autocreated printers might fail to delete upon log off (one possible cause of this is the lack of an Autocreated Printer definition inside the printer properties comment field).
Issues of this type should follow the recommendation in TechNet article Q135406 to remove the suspect driver from the system and to use the management console (which is known as the Advanced Configuration utility in XenApp and the Presentation Server Console in Presentation Server) to configure exclusions, manual print driver mappings, or to exclusively use the UPD. Syntax, spacing, and capitalization between the quotes within the manual mapping process are critical. A substituted print driver might limit the available printer functionality inside an ICA session with respect to the non-native driver.

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